How to Host a Kids’ Mystery or Spy Party

The fascination of movies and books The mysterious world of spy spies has fascinated children and adults alike for many years. It’s not surprising that a lot of youngsters are looking for an surprise party at their birthdays around. Here are some ideas to implement a secret or spy themed theme and to give your child a memorable birthday party.



The invitations should suggest that there’s an unsettling day in store. Request that guests arrive dressed in the blackest of t-shirts, trench coats sunglasses, suits with tie and other spy gear. You can purchase these products from second-hand stores or even a party supplies store and make them available for your children to wear on the day they arrive too.

To create your own unique mystery invitations for your party, dip your child’s thumb with black ink and then place it onto a piece of white paper. Take the fingerprint and scan it into your computer, then enlarge the image and apply it that appears on the reverse of the invitation cards with a message such as, “Make your mark at Sam’s secret birthday party.” The cards should be placed in envelopes made of manila and have “top secrets” as well as “confidential” written on the reverse. To add a fun feature to your theme You could design the invitations in reverse so guests must stand them in front of an mirror to read the invitations.


To choose a color scheme, consider the colors of the night like brown, black, gray and silver. As an alternative to streamers you can hang crime scene investigation tape. Set an open briefcase on the table for food and put in jars that hold food items or plates of paper and napkins.

To create an affordable, do-it-yourself decoration, lay a the black butcher’s paper on the wall, let your child stand on the paper and run. Make a circle with chalk, and cut the paper. Create several sketches and hang them around the home. When your children arrive, you can have music with a spy theme playing, such as the ones from “Mission Impossible,”” James Bond movies, and “Secret Agent Man.”


Favors for the Party

Instead of the typical gift bags Make every child a kit with a tiny notepad, pencil, dark shades disguise glasses in the style of Groucho as well as a magnifying glass and lie detectors that detect if you’re telling the truth by what the thumb’s temperature is. You can also include some trick candy, such as Pop Rocks, to the bag.


Games and Activities and

When guests arrive and are seated, they should dress in a spy costume If they’re not already in costumes. You can offer each child an black plastic fedora-style cap and fake mustache.

It’s time to enjoy some fun. These are some things you can do:

Spy Poster Puzzle

Find a large-sized poster like a movie posters that advertises “The The Spy Who Lives Next to You” and “Spy Children.” The poster can be cut into pieces that resemble puzzles and distribute each child with several pieces. Together they have to join the posters. Cut bigger pieces for smaller kids and smaller pieces to older children.

Mysterious Objets

Put a curtain up in the entranceway. On the other side set up a table and set up a number of bowls filled with mystery objects. On the other side, where everyone is seated, let the children each put their hands through the curtain and then touching the mystery items and making notes of their guesses about what they really were. There should be an adult sitting on the secret side, distributing the bowls to the players to touch in the right sequence. After everyone has had a turn, you can determine who had the accurate answers.

Some of the most terrifying objects that you could try are cold cooking spaghetti, oily and cooked (to simulate worms) Peeled grapes (eyeballs) silk derived from a few ears of corn (hair) dried Apricot (tongue or ear) and peeled tomato whole (heart) and cauliflower cooked until soft and then covered with oil (brain).

Obstacle Course

Try putting your spies’ physical abilities to the test by creating obstacles. You can set up a race which could include running on balance beams carrying an egg over the distance of spoons; putting the baseball bat in front of your forehead by pressing the bat into the ground and then spinning about it 3 times, or crawling underneath a mini trampoline.

Laser Beam Caper

Strings of ribbon or yarn throughout a room, in a web that resembles laser beams around an object of interest. One at a moment children will attempt to weave their way through the laser beams in order to take the prize. They will then emerge the other end without touching the beam of laser. If they succeed the child will retain the reward. Each run should be timed and the child who has the fastest time wins a prize.

Douse a bomb

Infest the flooring of a room black balloons you’ve been filling with air from the regular supply and not the helium. Inside one balloon, put in many red confettis before blowing it up. Instruct the kids to explode all of the “bombs” as well as the person who pops one of the “real bomb” (the one that is filled with confetti) takes home the prize.

Lie Detector

Each participant must share with the group two facts and one lie about him. The other kids are required to determine which facts were true and which wasn’t. Give them a few minutes to think of things that appear impossible and lie-debunkers that aren’t. The one who is able to trick the most people is the winner.

Spy Crafts

It’s also possible to center the event around crafty spy activities, such as Toilet paper binoculars fake cameras and egg carton eye masks disguises.


The mission: Find the Cake

Don’t let them just enjoy the cake, and then eat it too. This is a secret celebration at the end of the day. Have the guests think about the idea. The cake should be hidden before the party starts. Then, the kids begin asking about where the cake might be. Take them on a secret task to find clues that can lead into the best cake. The clues should be sealed in envelopes of manila with the words “Top Security” as well as “Confidential.”

The first clue could be:

“You’ve played a few games and had a blast,
It’s time to enjoy cake, for young children.
But where’s this cake? may think?
You have to locate it and find it quickly.
There’s a clue in a bedroom with bed,
The room in which you can find the room where your birthday child (or girl) lies down to rest his (or his or her) head. 

The children then race into the bedroom of the birthday child and search for their next hint.

It is possible to hide the envelope to make them look for it, but be aware that it could trigger an unruly rassosing around the area. If you wish the people to locate it quickly, the envelope can be secured to a helium-filled balloon.

Here’s an example of is the second clue:

“Nice work, young spies. This clue was found.
I’m sure that you’ve figured out the next step to take.
Third clue lies in a spot with fresh air.
an area in summer where there’s no need to worry.
To reduce things down a tiny little bit,
The clue lies in a spot where we are. 

The children then run out to the lawn chairs to discover their next clue. The clues will continue for all the way to the end.

When they are close to the end of the line, pull the cake out of its box and put it out in the open at the table. It’s tempting to place it in the box or in an other shady place but think about how raucous the children could be the time they reach it. You don’t want a crowd of children rushing to find the cake and then possibly slip into the cake.

The final clue could be:

“You’ve been working hard and you’ve fought the fight.
Let’s go for this cake now. Let’s take a bite.
Please be cautious and prepare to shout
“Happy Birthday To You” to our dear friend on his birthday

If the event is a girls-only affair you can use this rhyme to describe the lines 3 and 4:

“Please take care when playing this game.
and get prepared to sing to the dame’s birthday today

And then finish the clue by writing these sentences:

“The cake’s in a room, where we can eat.
The kitchen is not there or the room with seats. 

If you’d prefer not to conceal the cake, set out on a task of finding the most important present you’re planning to give for example, a brand-new bicycle.

It’s fun to plan However, if you’d prefer to leave it to someone else to do the preparation, consider purchasing a mystery party kit that is pre-packaged such as those offered by companies like American Girl.


The Cake

What should the cake appear like? It could be made to look as a trench coat, magnifying glass or a question mark large fingerprints with swirled icing over it or a round black bomb that has a sparkling “fuse” over it. You can also make crime scene investigation tape using black and yellow fondant, and then drape it over the cake. If the birthday child is an avid James Bond fan, you might decorate the cake with “007” or “009” or “010” or whatever age your child turns.

You can also use a bakery airbrush to create to create the silhouette of a sombre person carrying the briefcase. To achieve the same effect in your home kitchen, you can cut this form out of black fondant rolled. The same person could be seen creeping across the cake in the shape of a book to draw attention to the books and not films. The party your child is having could be centered around one particular film or book. In these instances, you should pick cakes that represent the character or a symbol from the book, such as a cake dedicated to Bolt, the dog of Disney’s action hero. Bolt.


Other Food

If you are also planning to offer savory snacks and snacks, use regular food-related names like Agent Apples, Fingerprinted Fish Sticks, Undercover Onion Rings, Double Agent Dogs (two hot dogs inside one bun) and Top Secret Sandwiches.

If you are planning an all-out celebration that includes activities that involve spies or to set up some decorations and put into a film, you can enjoy your child’s birthday with a mystery day.